Jazpar - Jeedom plugin for GRDF Gazpar


Jeedom plugin to retrieve gaz consumption from GRDF website

View the Project on GitHub hugoKs3/plugin-jazpar

GRDF Gazpar

Plugin allowing the recovery of consumption of the communicating meter Gazpar by querying the customer account GRDF. As the data is not made available in real time, the plugin retrieves the gaz consumption data from the day before each day.

2 types of consumption data are accessible :

You must have a GRDF customer account. The plugin retrieves information from the game my space of the GRDF website, you must therefore check that you have access to it with your usual identifiers and that the data is visible there. Otherwise, the plugin will not work.


Plugin configuration

The plugin GRDF Gazpar does not require any specific configuration and should only be activated after installation.

Two options are available in the plugin’s configuration to manage behavior when a captcha is detected at connection time:

You can also specify the number of days delay generally witnessed in order to prevent the plugin querying the website for nothing.

The webste allows you to define thresholds for each mnth (in kWh). The plugin is retrieving these values and stores them in a dedicated command. If you prefer to compute thresholds based on last year consumptions, uncheck the option.

The data is checked every hour between 4 a.m. and 10 p.m. and updated only if not available in Jeedom.

Equipment configuration

To access the different equipment GRDF Gazpar, go to the menu Plugins → Energy → GRDF Gazpar.

To know
The button + Add allows you to add a new account GRDF Gazpar.

On the equipment page, fill in the’Login as well as the Password of your customer account GRDF then click on the button Save.

You can also specify the PCE if you own several gas meters.

The option Force data retrieval to force data retrieval even if data is already present for concerned periods.

The plugin will then check the correct connection to the site GRDF and retrieve and insert in history :

Four widget’s tmplates are available. The ones with comparison inform you how your previous month consumption compares with similar profiles.

Potential issues

From time to time, a captccha might be required to connect to the website. It will be mentioned in the plugin’s logs and the plugin will react depending on the plugin’s configuration you defined. In this case, you need to connect to the website “manually” and resolve the captcha.


During tests, it appeared that the GRDF website is quite “unstable” with direct impacts on the plugin. On Jeedom, the plugin is configured to gather data every hour. It may happen that it does not work each time: no issue, just wait for the next scheduled run.

This plugin heavily relies on how the GRDF website is structured/designed. Any change on the website will most probably break the plugin and will then require to perform code changes on the plugin.


This plugin is opened for contributions and even encouraged! Please submit your pull requests for improvements/fixes on Github


This plugin has been inspired by the work done by:



Available here.